Malkin's - great name and great logo:
Oh, and Malkin's watchdog site, unlike the Biden version, has been up from day one.
Your voice for central Texas. - great name and great logo:
Oh, and Malkin's watchdog site, unlike the Biden version, has been up from day one.
Posted by
11:25 PM
TechCrunch says Google wave drips with ambition:
Wave was born out of the idea that email and instant messaging, as successful as they still are, were both created a very long time ago. We now have a much more robust web full of content and brimming with a desire to share stuff. Or as Lars Rasumussen put it, “Wave is what email would look like if it were invented today.”At first glance, the move to shared accecible information waves reminded me of Gelertner's Streams idea. but like real good ideas, it sounds practical enough to get adopted and just revolutionary enough to be worth the leap. It's not out yet (this was a Google IO show preview), but I look forward to riding the Google wave.
Having seen a lengthy demonstration, as ridiculous as it may sound, I have to agree. Wave offers a very sleek and easy way to navigate and participate in communication on the web that makes both email and instant messaging look stale.
Posted by
9:59 PM
Labels: Google, web technology
This handy checklist for those complaining about RINOs in the GOP led me to the
The Committeeman Project. Building on Ken Blackwell's RNC Resurgence Plan, it's a plan to rebuild the Republican from the grassroots precinct-level up"
The Committeeman Project has two parts;
- Recruitment: Some questions need to be answered first.
How many precincts/county/state? e.g. PA|Knox County (451).
How many precincts have currently serving precinct committeemen? Which ones are vacant?
How does one set about becoming a precinct committeeman in a particular county/district?
… etc.- Applications Development: I must first of all note that Ron Robinson and his GOPguerrillas Ning group are doing yeoman’s work in getting a GOP activist ActionCenter up and running in time for 2010. My thinking is exactly along those lines. As mentioned above, the endpoint of the Committeeman Project is to have every single one of the GOP’s Committeemen, their network of volunteers and activists interconnected at the precinct, township, county, up to the state and national level. To that effect, all Precinct Committeemen would be expected to run websites loaded with locale-conscious (i.e. using ZIP code) “GOPgets” for canvassing, volunteer recruiting, GOTV, events organization, multimedia, etc. For example;
- Events Calendar
- Multimedia (i.e. YouTube, LiveLeak) Channels
- My Representatives
- Candidates/Issues
- Donate/Contribute
- Volunteer
- … etc.
Posted by
5:22 PM
Eye on Williamson says Ogden is not running for re-election for State Senate, and it further states: "We’re also hearing that state Rep. Dan Gattis, Jr. (R-Georgetown) is the hand-picked successor for the Republican nomination to replace him in 2010."
Where will Senator Ogden go? An article in early May on challengers to Chet Edwards gives a hint:
Some Republicans speculate that state Sen. Steve Ogden has higher office aspirations, while his colleague, Sen. Kip Averitt, denied that he will join the fray.
Posted by
2:53 PM
The TxDOT sunset measure stripped the local-option gas tax, but ... State Senator Corona will now filibuster HB300!
Sen. John Carona, R-Dallas, ran into opposition for his local-option gas tax and it got stripped in conference committee from House Bill 300, the Texas Department of Transportation Sunset measure.
In response, Carona has announced he'll filibuster the bill and sink it altogether.
Posted by
2:43 PM
Labels: 82nd Texas Legislature, gas tax
A factoid via Texas observer and Rep Thibaut, freshman state rep from Houston area:
After she lost her first campaign for a House seat from Houston in 2006, Kristi Thibaut showed up in Austin anyway. What she encountered, as she lobbied unsuccessfully for lower utility rates with fellow ACORN activists, was almost enough to make her wonder why she'd wanted that seat in the first place.
Posted by
2:42 PM
Looking to 2012 for the GOP comeback. 23 Senate Dems, the Presidency and new Congressional districts. 2012 is looking to be the big enchilada, the Mother of All Election Battles.
Posted by
3:50 PM
Labels: 2012 Election
A couple of weeks ago Fox Austin TV reporter Keri Bellacosa and her producer colleagues slapped together a rambling four minute ‘news’ story on guns sales, legislative iniatives and the viewpoints of the central Texas chapter of the “Brady Bill Campaign,” advocates for tougher gun purchase laws. You can see the story here.
Describing the story as “rambling” is generous. Describing it as "news" is outright charity.
There’s really no focus on any one news issue here, other than rehash of the anti-gun lobby’s ongoing propaganda platform that guns are too easy to get and are dangerous in the hands of the unwashed masses.
The reporter goes to gun stores and gun shows and asks people about their appetites for gun purchases. The reporter interviews gun store owners and gun show operators about how easy it is to get guns. Yes, it’s ‘easy’ if you consider ‘easy’ being going through a 30-45 minute process of filling out forms in order to undergo background checks with the ATF at the time of purchase.
To balance the story, Bellacosa interviews one so-called expert, the Brady Campaign president, who obligingly opines, without being asked for proof, that big gun manufacturers are the one’s to blame as they buy off the legislators who would otherwise enact more sensible – to liberals – gun control legislation. He also pulls out a number of gun-caused deaths that doesn’t jive with crime stats, but there’s no challenge to his stats. His are the only stats presented, even though they may be wrong. There’s no balancing expert to the Brady campaign president’s viewpoint. Does the NRA have a chapter here? Probably. (NRA = National Rifle Association. That's for Keri and her producers, in case they ever do a vanity search and pull up this blog, if they know how to use Google. I don't think they do, as evidenced in following paragraphs.)
Back to the point. The story seems to throw about five issues together in a headline “Rules Allow Many to Buy Guns.” No kidding. Most people qualify to buy guns. They are not felons. They are exercising their 2nd amendment right. Where’s the news? What’s the issue?
In fact, there is no news. Guns are reasonably easy to get and the news should be that that has been good for Texas and every day Texans.
Stay with me here. Let’s step out of the fear mode that airheaded reporters and their Nation-reading producers like to engender and identify some facts. Now, I realize that TV news isn’t really serious news and there’s no way that Keri Bellacosa could be expected to delve into any hard fact statistics and seek to present those facts in a responsible way to the general public. I’m not that unrealistic. But maybe TV news in Austin should come with a Surgeon's General warning that what you're about to see doesn't really reflect much of reality.
Generous person that I am, let me help the Austin Fox News folks with some topics for real news coverage they could engage in regarding guns and gun sales:
To think that I pulled up all that data in about 10 seconds and came up with six decent stories that align with reality – instead of the Brady campaign president’s skewed views of guns’ role in society – demonstrates a certain fear-mongering depravity with little basis in fact in the reporting we’re seeing from the folks at Fox.
I’m available – for a price – to advise the local Fox folks whenever they really want to get fair and balanced.
Posted by
Joe Gimenez
12:47 PM
A roundup of links on the Sotomayor nomination:
No Patty-cake please says Quin Hillyer. Good advice.
Antler: Running on Empathy
"Terror on the bench"
Redstate: A line in the sand
Sotomayor would let felons vote
Wendy Long sums the nub of the issue - judicial activist Obama nominated a judicial activist clone in Sotomayor:
But what needs deeper examination, because it is very troubling, is her overarching judicial philosophy – one that, judging from her public remarks and law review articles, she has thought about seriously and embraced only after much reflection. It’s the judicial philosophy shared by President Obama – a philosophy with which most Americans, who support judicial restraint, vehemently disagree.Buchanan calls her "lightweight" and says: Abjure the vicious tactics Democrats used on Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito. Lay out the lady's record. And let America get a close look at the kind of justice Barack Obama believes in.
Posted by
11:39 PM
Who is Spengler? A Cassandra at the vortex of our global civilizational challenges who asserts a number scandalous theses ; a brilliant and incisive read; an anonymous columnist at Asia Times Online ... and now an editor at First Things. I've enjoyed "Spengler" and now can appreciate all the more Mr Goldman's insights.
Posted by
9:42 PM
Labels: First Things
R S McCain: What DealerGate Says About the Conservative 'Message' Problem is not just another "fire the marketing Dept" lament, but a another gobsmackingly brilliant R S McCain salvo. Fire the GOP marketing department ... and give the contract to him.
Just in time for another suspicously corrupt-seeming Obama administration decision that the MSM won't cover ... " “You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker."
Posted by
8:38 PM
Why on earth would the Democrats kill hundreds of bills all to kill one bill, that merely required reliable ID from voters when they came to vote? Why such an absurd and over-the-top hyper-over-reaction?
The selfish reason comes from Texas Insider:
And then, over the weekend, a little noticed comment from Texas Monthly’s own Paul Burka, who commented on why Texas Democrats undertook their 5-day filibuster to kill the Republican-backed Voter ID measure:
“In a phone interview earlier today (Saturday), Craig Eiland (D-Galveston) told me that the Carter-Baker commission testified that the Voter I.D. Bill would result in 150,000 voters being disenfranchised statewide. That is an average of 1,000 per legislative district. If this average held true, based on the electoral numbers, Democrats would lose 7 seats in the House.”No interest is stronger than self-interest. At least for Democrats. Why haven't the Republicans pushed harder and held together better on this? A commenter on TexasInsider makes a brilliant point:
As is the case with national issues and campaigns, the media control the level of information which most voters have. If the media do not report that a 5 day filibuster occurred, it never happened as far as John Q Public knows. I don’t know why the Senate members decided to cover for the House. Nor do I know why the House Republicrats decided to provide cover for the Dems. If nothing further had been done to pass all these bills, would the Dems have been blamed, or would the media have placed the blame on the Repubs for failing to help the Dems out of the hole they dug?Update: From Rep Ken Paxton "Capitol Steps", some of the collateral damage from the Democrats obstructionist 5-day Voter ID bill filibuster:
Unfortunately, a number of important bills were not brought to the House floor in time for us to consider and vote upon because some members of the Legislature purposefully exploited parliamentary procedures to stall one piece of legislation - the Voter ID bill. The stalling tactics by these members led to the killing of hundreds of other bills, which I believe is a disservice to Texans. Some of the bills affected by their stalling tactics are as follows:Rep Jackson has more collateral damage to report:
· An eminent domain bill limiting the authority of government to seize a person’s home or land (SB 18);
· Health insurance coverage for children (SB 66);
· An air quality improvement bill (SB 16);
· A bill to encourage the use of solar energy devices (SB 545);
· A bill affording greater protections for abused children (SB 786 and SB 1877);
· A bill increasing services for children with autism (SB 1217); and
· A bill relating to the prevention, investigation, prosecution and punishment for gang-related activities (SB 11).
In fact, two bills I sponsored that would have made employment of children in sex clubs a public nuisance and increase the criminal penalty for repeat offense of such employment, died on the calendar. Other bills killed due to parliamentary delay would have given us:
* Cleaner air
* Insurance reform
* Property rights
* Better domestic violence prevention
* Many children’s services, including services for children with autism spectrum disorder, and
* Children’s health programs as well as many other issues.
Posted by
7:50 PM
Huge Opposition to a national sales tax to raise revenue:
Posted by
3:40 PM
Interesting article on accelerating technology diffusion rates.
Posted by
12:19 AM
Concealed carry strikes once again! Law-abiding tax-paying business owners using gun leads to the killing of an armed robber during a pharmacy holdup:
The stranger who had been loitering in the parking lot had walked into the pharmacy carrying a black revolver and a note demanding the narcotic drug OxyContin and some money, according to authorities.
Once inside, the gunman handed the note to a clerk behind the counter, Police Chief William McManus said. The clerk was one of three people inside the pharmacy at the time of the robbery attempt. The others were the pharmacy owner, 62-year-old Bill Wynn, and his wife.
The details about what happened next are unclear, but McManus said the clerk was able to inform the pharmacy owner of the attempted robbery. Wynn, who had been robbed before, somehow managed to arm himself with a gun.
That's when McManus said the robber uttered his last words: “Let's get it on.”
Police said Wynn reacted quickly, shooting the gunman in the chest.
“I was scared to death,” Wynn later said, declining to comment further.
Police arrived to find the gunman, whose identity wasn't released Wednesday, lying on his back in a pool of blood. In his right hand was a cocked revolver.
McManus said Wynn wouldn't face any charges in connection with the shooting. “He was in fear (for) his life,” the chief said. “He has a right and state law allows him to defend himself.”
Wynn's wife said it's not uncommon for pharmacists to keep guns.
“A lot of pharmacies do, but we carry one because we have been robbed before,” she said without elaborating.
One of their employees, Maria Martinez, said it's been years since the pharmacy last was robbed.
Posted by
11:11 PM
Labels: conealed carry law, crime
Texas Senate cuts business tax. It would exempt businesses earning up to $1 million a year. After two years the tax exemption will be permanent for small businesses earning up to $600,000 annually, which is double the current $300,000 exemption.
"This is a major tax cut that's good for small business and the workers of Texas," - Senator Dan Patrick.
While this is a good start, they should have made the full $1 million sales level a permanent exemption. Something for tax cutters to run on next year, I suppose.
Meanwhile, the gas-tax hikers make their case.
Posted by
10:55 PM
Labels: 82nd Texas Legislature, margins tax, Senator Dan Patrick
Democrats Block McLeroy. The vote was 19-11 on a party-line vote; McLeroy required 2/3rds or 21 votes to be confirmed. The Democrats blocked Dr McLeroy because his Christian beliefs and his actions over science standards had aroused opposition from liberal interest groups, including Planned Parenthood, who testified against McLeroy during his rocky reception at Texas Senate hearings.
Free Market Foundation (FMF) Director of Legislative Affairs and Attorney Jonathan Saenz released the following statement: “Some Senators have made it clear that the N.Y. Times, religious beliefs, and party affiliation are in control of deciding who serves as SBOE chairman. The message has been sent — if you have sincere religious beliefs, you need not apply to be chair of the State Board of Education.”Sen Kirk Watson had an interesting quote: “He has enthusiastically embraced his role in the endless cultural wars,” ... Really? What about the other side of the battlefield? Did not Sen Kirk Watson enthusiastically embrace his role as a warrior on the other side by questioning Dr McLeroy's capability and voting him out as SBOE Chairman?
Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, D-San Antonio, said “The state board has become increasingly divided and deeply dysfunctional and almost paralyzed to action at certain times,” . ... Really? As with Sen Watson's quote on 'cultural wars', it takes two to tango. If SBOE is 'paralyzed' then why are there efforts to reduce SBOE power instead of maintain and increase it? McLeroy’s leadership was shown when he led the board to the nearly unanimous vote of 13-2 on the new science standards to continue to allow discussion and debate on critical science issues, including evolution. Some amendments had votes of 8-7. (Do we call the Supreme Court or the Texas Senate paralyzed because the body isn't always unanimous? Should House Speaker Strauss be fired because Dunham D's blew up and paralyzed the House this week?)
Maybe SBOE got divided because the people are divided on this issue and various interest groups are as well. Creationists want a chance to not have kids taught that evolution is the one and only truth of the matter; evolutionists don't want science and 'pseudo-science' mixed. The news headlines that came out of that new science standard was: Teaching evolution now protected. It's a decent compromise that takes keeps evolution in textbooks, does not force 'weaknesses' of evolution to be taught, but encourages examining scientific theories via critical thinking:
“The requirement that students examine, ‘analyze, evaluate and critique scientific explanations' and examine all sides of scientific evidence is the strongest critical thinking standard in any state science standards,” said Casey Luskin, a lawyer for the Seattle-based Discovery Institute ... Texans Citizens for Science President Steven Schafersman said “I think the science standards will be OK. Frankly, the publishers and the authors of the textbooks will be able to use this standard and write good textbooks,”So surely this is not a reaction to the (reasonable science) standards that were produced by the SBOE. What then? Blaming Dr McLeroy for the 'cultural wars' that are engaged by the partisans already, then dumping on him because people are divided on issues is the height of irony. It's real simple: The Texas Senate Democrats dumped on Christian conservative Dr McLeroy not for being ineffective, but for working for things that ticked off the liberal interest groups that opposed him all along. One can replace "SBOE" for "Dr McLeroy" and the truth is the same. Now why can't Sen Kirk Watson admit that?
Posted by
9:08 PM
Labels: education issues, Evolution, state board of education
From the City of Austin's Dept of Finding-Ways-to-Make-your-Life-More-Expensive and the Green Mafia: As of June 1st, City of Austin requires Energy Audits when you sell your home.
City of Austin also now requires white roofs for commercial buildings. It may be a good idea for saving money on energy bills to have white roofs that will be cooler in Austin's summer, but I grate at the eco-nanny-statism involved. If it makes economic sense, people will do it naturally. Energy Audits don't require anything yet, but someday they will.
Further, the eco-idealists never seem to know where to stop. In this article, Obama Energy Dept head Professor Steven Chu says "paint the world white to fight global warming". He wants to color not just roofs but also roads to reduce global albedo. It's a nutty idea to think that 0.00001% of our earth surface being a lighter color will do any good or make any change. And what about in northern climes where darker roofs save on heating?
Posted by
7:56 PM
And Mike Huckabee has endorsed Rubio as well. His opponent, Gov Crist, is a pro-stimulus bill Republican Governor.
Posted by
10:23 PM
Here's the visual:
The House Democrats didn't like Voter ID so badly, they killed a slew of other legislation in the process through "chubbing", a form of filibuster. The (led by Jim Dunham) Dunham D's have now revived the tradition of the "Ardmore Chicken D's" (heck, they are mostly the same people) of stubbornly refusing to let anything get done, since getting something done would actually mean the center-right majority in Texas would get their way.
Aside from being a partisan let-down from the Strausian 'run-to-the-center', the Dunham D's ended up creating lots of collateral damage. All to kill Voter ID. (70% of Texans support voter ID.)
At Burka Blog, Patricia Hart is upset that CHIP fell in the 'genocidal slaughter':
If CHIP dies, there’s plenty of blame to go around for killing the best opportunity in years to do something about Texas’ uninsured. ... As for the House Democrats, they chose badly when they decided blocking Voter ID was more important than CHIP, insurance reform, needle exchange, renewable energy incentives, and on and on.
"Patricia Kilday Hart unabashedly advocates for the expansion of the “Children’s Health Insurance Program” and other left-leaning causes, then suggested supporting such measures would get lawmakers on the ten-best list."
"I mean that these ideas are important to Democrats and they blew it by not taking their successes this session across the finish line. ... Nowhere do I say that it was a good idea to do what the House Democrats did."
Posted by
10:17 PM
Deflating the green bubble notes questioning of eco-assumptions. The Green Hype Ride is hitting a speed bump with satirical Mike Judge's The Goodes, a series which lampoons self-important greenies.
Posted by
9:31 PM
Protein Wisdom calls it "diagramming fail". From Dr Sanity, this picture-worth-a-thousand-words is a roadmap to the roots of modern leftism and political correctness. Comment: "Not pictured in chart: eighty million corpses"
Posted by
8:41 PM
Labels: left, marxism, Political correctness, socialism
STEWARD stands for Save The Economy Without Accumulating Record Debt. STEWARD is a grassroots organization out of new Hampshire formed to fight Obama's boondoggle stimulus spending bill. This watchdog group has the following goals:
STEWARD seeks to hold the politicians and all government spending programs accountable to three benchmarks. First, we insist on absolute transparency. Second, taxpayer money should be spent wisely, with no waste and no pork. Third, all government spending decisions should be geared toward promoting economic growth.They started with an anti-bailout message, and they are now going after a pro-stimulus New Hampshire Democrat Congressman. People are starting to look at the stimulus and asking: "Is the Stimulus Working?" This group is asking the right questions and demanding debate on this important question now.
Posted by
7:35 PM
There is evidence that there was a political bias in closing of Chyrsler dealerships.
many of the Chrysler dealers on the closing list were heavy Republican donors.Furthermore, Chrysler Dealer closings were directed by Federal officials and will end up helping a group politically connected to Democrats and Obama:
"It became clear to us that Chrysler does not see the wisdom of terminating 25 percent of its dealers," Bellavia said. "It really wasn't Chrysler's decision. They are under enormous pressure from the President's automotive task force." ...Redstate calls it an enemies list. To understand what is amiss with these closings, consider this plea from a Dodge dealer:
a politically connected group of Democrats who own six Chrysler dealerships not only were allowed to keep them, but their competition was deep sixed. ... The company is called RLJ-McLarty-Landers, and it operates six Chrysler dealerships throughout the South. All six dealerships are safe from closing.
"On Thursday, May 14, 2009 I was notified that my Dodge franchise, that we purchased, will be taken away from my family on June 9, 2009 without compensation and given to another dealer at no cost to them. ... This atrocity will most likely force my family into bankruptcy. This will also cause our 50+ employees to be unemployed. How will they provide for their families?"My verdict: Smoke and a 'hmmm', but no fire here. It could just be typical Governmental blundering and destruction of wealth and not a specific "Chicago way" style politicized payback.
Posted by
3:05 PM
Obama's SCOTUS nomination is a Hispanic pick, a liberal who won't shift court balance as one court liberal (Souter) is replaced by another.
The New Republic shared concerns about Sotomayor pre-nomination - "not that smart":
The most consistent concern was that Sotomayor, although an able lawyer, was "not that smart and kind of a bully on the bench," as one former Second Circuit clerk for another judge put it. "She has an inflated opinion of herself, and is domineering during oral arguments, but her questions aren't penetrating and don't get to the heart of the issue."TNR's Rosen is now in damage control on that article, saying he supports Sotomayor's confirmation.
As a district court judge, she had a habit of apologizing to criminals during sentencing, telling one drug dealer that he was a “victim of the economic necessities of our society.” And she was soft on corruption in at least one case.Judicial Confirmation Network - "indulge left-wing policy preferences"
President Obama has threatened to nominate liberal judicial activists who will indulge their left-wing policy preferences instead of neutrally applying the law. In selecting Judge Sonia Sotomayor as his Supreme Court nominee, President Obama has carried out his threat.SCOTUSblog mentions The Ricci case, which has heightened importance, as Judge Sotomayor's own decision may get overruled by the Supreme Court next month. The Ricci mystery is - why didn't she explain herself in the case? (She made an unsigned decision.)
Judge Sotomayor will allow her feelings and personal politics to stand in the way of basic fairness. In a recent case, Ricci v. DeStefano, Sotomayor sided with a city that used racially discriminatory practices to deny promotions to firefighters. ....The poor quality of Sotomayor's decisions is reflected in her terrible record of reversals by the Supreme Court.
"Justice O’Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases. I am not so sure Justice O’Connor is the author of that line since Professor Resnik attributes that line to Supreme Court Justice Coyle. I am also not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, as Professor Martha Minnow has noted, there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life." - Judge SotomayorWhat this pick tells us? "Race and Gender Matter"; it's "a reminder of the power of identity politics." Or as Frum puts it - Can Sotomayor pass the Biden test?
Posted by
9:56 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, Supreme Court
The Cultural Contradictions of J.M.Keynes is an excellent review of Keynes' influence through his two most influential works - "The Economic Consequences of the Peace", originally published in 1920, and "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money", which appeared first in 1936. The reviewer James Piereson summarizes these two key works of Keynes' work and places them both in the context of his search for a way forward for post-World-War-I Europe that broke from the pre-War European mold:
... here was someone who, beginning in 1918, wrestled with Europe’s civilizational crisis, searching for ways to reverse the damage done by the war. The economic approach that he formalized in The General Theory is only the most widely recognized of his proposed avenues of escape. Like many, Keynes believed that the Great War had shattered European civilization beyond any hope of repair. The shibboleths of the old regime—laissez faire, nationalism, the gold standard, empire, Victorian ideals—could not survive in a new era of sovereign debt, despair, debauched currencies, and a permanently changed balance of world power.
"... the Carthaginian Peace is not practically right or possible. The clock cannot be set back. You cannot restore Central Europe to 1870 without setting up such strains in the European structure and letting loose such human and spiritual forces as will overwhelm not only you and your “guarantees,” but your institutions and the existing order of your society.
Keynes had been right to predict that the twin burdens of German reparations and inter-ally war debts would weigh heavily upon the international system and return to bedevil statesmen and central bankers for years to come. The German hyperinflation of the early 1920s, the Great Depression as it spread around the world, even Hitler’s rise to power and the war that followed—all were linked in one way or another to those causes of mischief that Keynes identified in The Economic Consequences of the Peace.
Wilson was so thoroughly “bamboozled” by these masters of European intrigue—so judged by Keynes—that he headed back to America comfortable in the illusion that the Treaty established the foundations for true peace.
In Keynes’s theory, the moral assumptions regarding individual liberty and free choice that buttressed the classical school were subordinated to the interplay of abstract forces like aggregate demand and investment, and to a self-confident belief that the state could be relied upon to intervene efficiently in the interests of all.
The state, he said, unlike individual investors or businessmen, is in a position “to calculate the marginal efficiency of capital goods on long views and on general social advantage,” a proposition which provoked the retort from Hayek that while governments may be in a position to take the long view, they rarely do. ...
Keynes seemed to believe that government budgets can be freely manipulated into and out of balance by policymakers in much the same manner and with as much freedom as central bankers have when they set interest rates or expand the supply of money. Roy Harrod, Keynes’s friend and biographer, wrote that Keynes held a faith that important governmental decisions would always be made by public-spirited experts acting in the general interest, when, in actuality, public budgets are subject to intense political pressures and are formulated by elected politicians with scant regard for something as abstract and ill-defined as the public interest.
Posted by
3:48 PM
Texas Bob shares a Davey Crockett story - "Not Yours to Give". Originally published in "The Life of Colonel David Crockett," by Edward Sylvester Ellis, this story may be apocryphal. Wikiquote Davy Crockett quotes includes my favorite: "You can go to hell. I shall go to Texas."
Posted by
4:43 PM
A Memorial Day reminder of the price of freedom, paid by those who served:
Since the War of Independence started in 1776 over 650,000 men and women have lost their lives in battle to secure our independence, protect our country, preserve our union and protect the freedoms of countries throughout the world. More than half a million additional soldiers have died in service outside the theater of war. They died servicing us! Among those honored, today we remember.
American Revolution battle deaths.4,435
War of 1812. 2,260
Indian Wars.1,000
Mexican War.1,733
Civil War.140,414
Spanish-American War.385
World War I.53,402
World War II.291,557
Korean War.33,741
Vietnam War.47,424
Gulf War.147
Global War on Terror.4,278 as of April 23, 2009.
Posted by
10:00 AM
Labels: military, veterans, war, War on terror
Good question. Here's the justification - "The real value of a liberal arts education is that it teaches you ... how to analyze a situation and make a choice." Here's the refutation - a University that has hobbled intellectual diversity with political correctness and is replacing education about our civilization with indoctrination about what's wrong with it, has devalued their product. Such a mis-education is neither economically marketable, as would an engineering or business degree be, but neither is it civilizationall useful.
Posted by
12:24 AM
This chart is from an article Comparisons of 4 global temperature sets.
The article's main conclusions:
1. Substantial general agreement between the data sets,
2. Substantial short-term variation in global temperature in all data sets and
3. No data set shows a significant measurable rise in global temperature over the twelve year period since 1997.
Posted by
10:59 PM
Labels: global warming
A Cali student recounts The Horror of California Emissions Rules.
Funniest car review ever of worst car ever: The new Honda Insight is " terrible. Biblically terrible. Possibly the worst new car money can buy. It’s the first car I’ve ever considered crashing into a tree, on purpose, so I didn’t have to drive it any more."
Chrysler and capitalism: Dead on arrival
Posted by
11:57 PM
I had previously argued that Waxman-Markey was mindless, rampant nanny-statist eco-tyranny.
Amazingly, Washington Post's Steven Pearlstein agrees. Consider this stunning indictment:The other thing to say about it is that it is a badly flawed piece of public policy. It is so broad in its reach and complex in its details that it would be difficult to implement even in Sweden, let alone in a diverse and contentious country like the United States. It would createdozens of new government agencies with broad powers to set standards, dole out rebates and tax subsidies, and pick winning and losing technologies, even as it relies on newly created markets with newly created regulators to set prices and allocate resources. Its elaborate allocation of pollution allowances and offsets reads like a parody of industrial policy authored by the editorial page writers of the Wall Street Journal. The opportunities for waste, fraud and regulatory screwup look enormous.
This seems certainly the case based on a reading of this bill. The level of economic intervention is huge. The needless redundancy ('belt-and-suspenders' regulations) adds huge economic costs with zero benefit. Corruption, waste and job-killing cost-hikes for utilities, energy using industries, etc. will cripple our economy for years to come. It will kill jobs and productivity. How on earth can such a slew of terrible (unintended) consequences be better than the status quo?
Answer: It isn't.
The rise in CO2 from 1950 to today has paralleled an increase in temperatures over 60 years of ... 0.4C. That's all. The next 50 years will not see a marked increase from that; in the past 10 years we have seen no warming. The Waxman-Markey goal is 17% reduction by 2020, even though Europe's cap-and-trade scheme seems not to have worked much at all. This amounts to about a 4% impact on global CO2 generation in the 2020 timeframe. In short, miniscule and meaningless impact on actual global termperatures. The phrase "Costs too much, does too little" comes to mind.
The excellent column on the dreadful Waxman-Markey bill had one jarring and out-of-step statement:"The Waxman-Markey bill may be the best bill that the political system can produce, and surely it is far preferable to doing nothing."
I challenge this. Doing nothing, ie, doing nothing to regulate the harmless and benign CO2 is PRECISELY the better answer compared to this horrible bill. And if this is the best the political system can muster, disband Congress!
"Doing nothing" does not need to mean doing nothing forever. This bill is far worse than doing nothing to regulate CO2 for the next 5-10 years. "Doing nothing" could mean "Do nothing to regulate CO2 for the next 5 year, but do everything else you can to get ready for the future."
To wit:
In the next 5 years, we can see if the trend of non-warming that we have seen for the past 10 years is a blip in an up-trend or an actual refutation of the man-made global warming models. In the next 5 years, we can take an R&D only approach and build the technologies that are needed, such as next-generation nuclear, energy efficient lighting LEDs, plug-in- electric vehicles, etc. None of this requires cap-and-trade nor the heavy hand on eco-nanny-statism.
Yes, a carbon tax would be better. But even better would be a carbon tax with a global temperature trigger. That is to say: Tax CO2 emissions, but only start to tax CO2 emissions if and when the temperatures do in fact rise. Why tax something that causes 'warming' when the earth is cooling?
UPDATE: Waxman-Markey "stuffed full of unpleasant surprises."
Waxman admits: "I don't know the details" and hires speed-reader to read the bill.
Sono Bono Mack casts lone GOP vote for Waxman-Markey: "While I still have significant concerns about this bill, particularly with regard to its cost and its failure to recognize innovative technologies like advanced nuclear energy, I believe this is the right direction for our district, for our nation and for our future." Wait, it has huge costs and is wrong about key real solutions, but stupidity like this is the 'right direction'? ... oh wait ... “Already, (the Coachella Valley is) seeing exciting new developments in wind, solar and geothermal energy, and this bill will help us grasp this potential.” ... Translation: It's all about the Greendoggle PORK money!
Posted by
10:17 PM
Labels: Congress, global warming
Jon Henke asks:
What Right-of-center policies are good policy, transformational, popular, viable and sustainable?This is not just a good question, this perhaps THE question to ask to figure out the future of the conservative movement. Some have concluded that the path to the future is paved with giving up or watering down small-Government principles, but on the contrary Big Government conservatism is an oxymoron. To the contrary:
In this 'free-agent' economy, where you outsource everything but your core competence, we can have smaller and smarter Government. Good Government is Government that sticks to its core competence, which is the protection of our rights, our lives and our property from predators, criminals, and enemies. Anything outside that core competence invites Governmental corruption, incompetence, rent-seeking and waste; it repeats the failures of socialism and causes economic dislocations. Every need or desire in the culture or economy, can and should be filled by the actions of free people in the market-oriented, open and free economy and culture.That vision of a society includes a different view of the relationship of Government and the people than proffered by liberals, leftists and socialists. It encompasses these tenets: Government (i.e. the state) exists to serve the people, and what Government does should be directed by the people ("of the people, by the people, for the people"). Government is best when it is closest to the people; that is self-government is best, then local Government, etc. Government plays a limited role, i.e., it should not try to do for people what they can do for themselves.
We can and we must have a 21st century vision of society and our nation built around the conservative principles that we believe in. If we cannot envision it, then we are destined to fight a futile defensive struggle against the encroachments of the other side.
The GOP is the party of liberty, limited government, judges who rule on law and not make them, law and order, traditional values and family values, free enterprise, equality of opportunity, strong national defense, Federalism and Government as close to the people as possible, support for the truly needy, Constitutional rights and individual responsibility.The problem conservatives grapple with is - can we marry those high-minded principles to today's policy challanges and create correct and winning policy prescriptions?
We can move away from one-size-fits-all Government, to a system where there is maximum choice for all ... where you use the marketplace to be more flexible for people in different situations. The key word to describe this agenda is choice: Education choice, Social Security choice, healthcare choice, medicare choice.I argue in 15% Solution for a dramatic new approach to tax reform, starting with two core points. First, the price and cost of Government are two different things; the cost of Government is what it spends, and the price of Government is the tax system. While we should advocate for a tax system whose price is as low as possible to cover the cost of Government, I say:
Without a long-term overarching goal of lessened burden of Government, tax reform is doomed to be ineffective, as the cost of Government pushes tax rates up.I would add that politically, that is what has happened as well. Tax reform is a self-limiting solution so long as Government spending is out of control; the price of Government can never be reformed to below the cost of Government. I assert 5 principles for fundamental tax reform:
1. The Federal Government Costs too much, spends too much and taxes too much. Tax reform should include tax and spending reductions.This agenda is called the 15% Solution because the goal asserted is to get Federal Government spending to be no more than 15% of GDP. Further, this lower Government spending burden allows lower tax rates - 15% or less in most areas. I would add one more interpretation of the "15% solution" concept: We can consider the fact that our welfare system give provision to 15% of the people as 'needy'; we have a health insurance system that, without Government subsidy and intervention, would provide for 85% of the people. 15% represents that degree of "social insurance" necessary and sufficient to provide a safety net. A "15% solution" is a solution that is neither "on your own" zero Government nor one-size-fits-all socialism, but is 85% self-funding/free-market oriented and is 15% Government-welfare-state-provided. In short, it quantifies and describes with some precision to what degree we want Government to intervene - to help those who cannot help themselves, and to leave free to make their own choices those who can help themselves.
2. We need a simpler, flatter, lower rate tax system.
3. We need to shift taxes to tax production less and consumption more.
4. We need to fix entitlements through choice.
5. We need legislative and constitutional protections for taxpayers to limit tax hikes, spending hikes and runaway deficits.
•Lower electric rates and Clean the environmentThis last item takes us back to the essential element in healthcare reform - choice and accountability. The proposals are to make available information for informed decisions, and to allow more options and choice in what health insurance is provided.
Texans can have more affordable and cleaner electric power by expanding nuclear, clean coal, wind, and biomass capacity. Texas must improve and expand its transmission infrastructure; fast-track permitting of new power facilities; and, invest in technology that utilizes Texas’ natural resources to clean the environment. To improve energy efficiency and reduce electric bills, we must ensure that System Benefit Fund revenues are dedicated to help families with their electric bills and used to make energy efficiency technologies such as smart meters more affordable.
•Make Texas a Leader in Public Education
World-class colleges and universities and a better educated population are critical for the future prosperity of our state. Texas should double the number of its nationally-recognized research universities; strengthen academic programs at community colleges so that more community college credits are transferable to universities; and, encourage adult education and promote other postsecondary educational opportunities at career colleges and schools for those who want to seek gainful employment.
•Make Health Care more affordable for families
Help Texas families access affordable health insurance by reducing costs through investment in electronic health records; requiring health plans, physicians, and hospitals to make cost and quality information available to the public; increasing the availability of low-cost, mandate-free insurance; and, offering optional health savings accounts to all public employees and high-deductible low-cost health plans to college students.
Posted by
3:07 PM
Texas Senate committee passes a "Hate Crimes bill", but it sounds more like a ThoughtCrime bill - political correctness written into the penal code:
HB 824, by Rep. Scott Hochberg (D-Houston), expands hate crimes to now be used to prosecute kids. ... It also allows a judge to order these kids go to re-education program so the child can show he or she has “acceptance” of others, basically forcing them to accept the homosexual lifestyle and not oppose such. The judge can also order the child to perform a project that serves the interest of the offended group of persons.
The group of Christians, who were given the title Philadelphia 11, had been giving their testimony on public property at the city's tax-funded celebration of homosexuality in the city's downtown in 2004. But based on a 2002 "hate crimes" plan then in force in the state, they were arrested, jailed and threatened with up to five decades in jail.
The criminal charges later were dismissed and the group members then challenged the law itself, suing over its adoption. The Supreme Court's ruling affirms the 4-1 decision in the Commonwealth Court that the amendments were unconstitutional.
Posted by
12:31 PM
Labels: 82nd Texas Legislature, hate crime, Politically Incorrect
Dave Nalle on NextRight posts an execellent article on the DC voucher case. Headline - "Democrats Condemn Kids to Ignorance and Poverty." School choice is perhaps the top innovation we could and should make to save America's future, by offering better education to America's children. To be against school choice is to be against school children.
Now admittedly, the $7500 which this program provides to students isn't enough by itself to pay for a private school which costs $15,000 to $30,000 a year.
Many private schools (not in DC) cost less than that. In Austin, Texas, there are good private schools that cost only $3500/yr and many others in the $5000-7500 range. This compares with $8000-9000 per pupil spent in public schools depending on the school district, more if you add in the Federal component. Texas charter schools are funded at about 80% of what public schools get. Here in Texas, the charter schools have long waiting lists. For us, we tried to get our child into kindergarten, it was 4X over-subscribed. You note:
In addition, these vouchers can also be used at charter schools in DC, which have performance much closer to private schools than public schools. DC charter schools graduate 91% of their students, almost double the rate at DC public schools. 83% of those students attend college, close to three times the number of DC public school students going to college.
Note that in DC the PUBLIC SCHOOLING COST is almost $15,000/yr per pupil. Rarely do we see a Government function that is so expensive, so necessary, and so POORLY DONE. It's child abuse:
Of those only 36% have completed the coursework necessary to qualify them to go to a 4-year college degree program
This is an economic death sentence for these kids. Most schoolchidlren are molded into unprepared uneducated barely-able-to-be-employed near-illiterates. Inner city kids suffer the worst ,perpetuating the economic disadvantages of minorities. If we were to read a story of kids who were sent to school and were suffering from a lifetime of crippling illness, say the school had radium in the walls or mercury in the water and gave them a disease, we'd be up in arms. The authorities would descend.
But here we have the kids subjected to worse - a monopoly school system that is mis-educating them into a lifetime of privation and near-poverty by leaving them with the crippling handicaps of illiteracy, ignorance and lower employability. We need to consider this an utter and absolute outrage that such abuses are committed in the shadow of this nation's capital. And we should consider the elitist politicians who consign these children to this terrible fate, denying them a clear positive alternative, while sending their own kids to elite private schools, to be uncaring selfish hypocrites. We need to ask: have they no shame?
As I said: To be against school choice is to be against school children.
Posted by
12:16 PM
I thought Seven Tenets of Liberalism was a bit over the top with Number One being "Self Loathing – Liberals hate the West. The West is always WRONG (unless it’s white Europeans aligning themselves against the United States). But then I ran into this item: Obama to apologize to Germany for WWII. Atlas Shrugs blog cites John Rosenthal:
"The symbolic significance of a visit to Dresden by the American president — especially one undertaken in connection with a D-Day commemoration in France — may be missed by some Americans, but it is absolutely unmistakable for the German public. For Germans, Dresden is the symbol bar none of German suffering at the hands of the Allies."If Obama really apologizes to Germany over Allied WWII actions during a D-Day, Obama's Apology Tour will Officially Jump the Shark.
Posted by
10:17 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, Foreign Policy, WW 2
Waxman-Markey: Coercion for its own sake: "the cap-and-trade program occupies only one of four of the bill’s main sections (”titles”). Other titles contain a host of mandates and “incentives” (carrots and sticks) to reshape energy and transportation markets."
So this dreadful regulation scheme has 4 vectors of nanny-statist busybody tyranny, a belt-and-suspenders version of outrageous mind-blowing interference in our lives. Consider first the 'renewables' mandates:
* Requires utilities to meet a certain percentage of their load with electricity generated from renewable sources, like wind, biomass, solar, and geothermal.
* Promotes small-scale “distributed generation” of renewable electricity by offering three renewable electricity credits (instead of one credit) for each MWh produced.
* Authorizes electric power generators to create a Carbon Storage Research Consortium with the power to assess “fees” (aka taxes) totalling approximately $1 billion annually to fund carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstration plants.
* Directs the EPA Administrator to hand out free rationing coupons to subsidize CCS.
* Establishes a CCS mandate requiring new coal-fired power plants to emit 65% less carbon dioxide if permitted after 2020, and emit 50% less if permitted between 2009 and 2020; also requires EPA to review these standards not later than 2025 and every five years thereafter.
* Mandates stricter building codes achieving 30% higher energy efficiency in 2010 and 50% higher in 2016 for new buildings, and establishes a “building retrofit program” for existing residential and nonresidential buildings.
* Mandates tougher energy efficiency standards for indoor and outdoor lighting, hot food holding cabinets, bottle-type drinking water dispensers, hot tubs, commercial-grade natural gas furnaces, televisions, and other appliances.
* Requires the President, EPA, the Department of Transportation (DOT), and California to establish greenhouse gas (GHG)/fuel economy standards for new passenger cars and light trucks.
* Requires and sets deadlines for EPA to establish GHG emission standards for heavy-duty engines and vehicles and non-road vehicles including marine vessels, locomotives, and aircraft.
* Requires States to establish goals and submit transportation plans to reduce transport sector GHG emissions, and imposes sanctions on States that fail to comply.
* Requires the Deparment of Energy (DOE) to establish industrial energy-efficiency standards.
Posted by
9:25 PM
Barlett is looking for the next Jack Kemp:
Anyone hoping to emulate Kemp, therefore, needs to start with a genuinely new idea--and more and bigger tax cuts ain't it. That card has been played to the point of diminishing returns, politically. That new idea also has to respond to a genuine problem. But that will require deep thought and analysis, something few members of Congress are capable of these days. They are too busy coming up with sound bites responding to matters of only momentary interest.
Posted by
5:34 PM
On CBS, Bob Shieffer Admits Cheney ‘Winning’ Security Debate:
"...the fact that the President of the United States had to make this speech, the fact that Congress had turned him down in giving him the money to close Guantanamo, I have to say that on points, I give it to -- to the Vice President on this...Right now I think the Vice President has made his case. And at this point I'd have to say he's winning."
Posted by
4:27 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, terrorism
TIME Covers are what is known as a contrary indicator. When they made Jeff Bezos Man of the year, the internet bubble was about to burst. So when TIME said Republican party is Over, they had more or less put in a market - the low is in.
Patterico dissects it as "so packed with Democratic talking points that David Axelrod could have faxed it over from the White House" and counters the hogwash that TIME put forth that it's those darned non-liberal positions that keeps the GOP from winning elections. " It's principled leadership" Grunwald says of Gov Sanford's appeal to Tax Partiers, but "only the tea-party fringe seems to be following." Ah, but is that old-time religion of smaller Government, freedom and 'get off our backs' a fringe? As Patterico puts it:
For that matter, a majority of Americans oppose gay marriage, favor harsh interrogation of suspected terrorists, and are unwilling to pay higher taxes for government healthcare. If I spent more than the three minutes it took to discover that much, I could probably find that Grunwald has nothing backing his claim about tax cuts for the “investor class,” though there’s a far amount of debate as to how that class gets defined in the first place. A solid majority still see big government as a bigger threat to the country than big business.I posited back in November that smartness, coolness, competence, and a bunch of other non-ideological and in some cases superficial reasons put Republicans on defensive. Now 6 months later we start to see that polls Show a more Even-Divided Political Environment:
Democrats began the year holding a six- or seven-point lead over the GOP for the first several weeks of 2009. That began to slip in early February, and the Republicans actually took a two-point lead for a single week in the middle of March. Since then, the results have ranged from dead even to a four-point lead for the Democrats until the GOP regained the lead.
Men favor the GOP 44% to 35%, while women favor the Democrats by the exact same margin.
Voters not affiliated with either party favor the GOP by a 38% to 22% margin.
Nevada poll is showing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) very, very vulnerable back home. The Las Vegas Review-Journal/Mason-Dixon poll found that 45 percent of Nevada voters would “definitely” vote against Reid next year — with only 30 percent saying they want to see him return to office
The numbers:
Party affiliation. Republicans 32%. Democrats 32%.
Leaning: Republicans 45%. Democrats 45%.A year ago, the Democrats enjoyed double-digit leads in both categories.
Posted by
11:19 PM