Monday, May 11, 2009

US becoming a "post-Christian Nation"

A response to the previous column:

If you would look back at our founding documents and journals documenting the business conducted in our State and Federal houses which have convened across this land throughout our history, you would find loads of such evidence of our reliance upon the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, upon the Holy Spirit, and upon Jesus himself ...

Yes you would, but that was then and this is now. The National Day of Prayer, started in 1952 by President Eisenhower, was this year publicly ignored by President Obama.

President Obama was not raised as a Christian (with a progressive atheist mother and Islamic father and step-father). His main experience with Christianity is with the version of it preached by Reverend Wright, and what drew him to this preacher was his political fulminations more than any theology or profession of faith (as a reading of "Dreams of my Father" can attest). It's a toxic amalgam of black panther ideology wrapped in a Christian package. That toxicity forced Obama to distance himself from Rev Wright during the campaign.

Since arriving at Washington, despite the profusion of churches, President Obama has yet to find a suitable place to worship. No Reverend Wright substitute seems to be in the offing. When he visited Georgetown University, they removed the symbol of Jesus at the putatively Catholic University.

That same President Obama has stated that "Whatever we once were, we're no longer just a Christian nation." I have to consider such statements to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. The American Thinker article where this is linked indicates:

America today is a much more diverse place, of course, than it was yesterday. The problem, however, is not census numbers and diversity but that Christian morality has been systematically undermined in lower education, academia, media and government (most notably, by the U.S. Supreme Court) for several decades. The problem was never the traditional Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus -- they, for the most part, are happy to live in a country founded on faith in the Judeo-Christian God in which they may live freely, enjoying the practice of their particular religions.

Indeed, the basic morality of right and wrong of traditional religions is strikingly similar. The vast gulf in morality is between the far left and traditional Americans.

In the dark ages, after the fall of Rome, Christianity spread through Europe in the wake of conversions of kings and princes. So it happened to the Franks, the English, and also, with Saint Cyril and the Kievan Rus Prince Vladimir in the 988. The elites confirmed the faith held by some of their subjects and in the process accelerated the unification of the people in the Christian faith.

Today, the reverse is happening. The United States is a nation with a mostly Christian people, but it has an elite that is secular and post-Christian to a large degree. Common faith is being hollowed out. Professions of faith by our leaders have become little more than panders, and under Obama, even token efforts like the National Day of Prayer are being dismissed.

There was a time when this held true:
“Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the priveledge and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” -First Supreme Court Justice John Jay (served from 1789 to 1795)

No longer. It seems that the U.S. 'whatever it once was", was a Christian nation once, but secularism in the Obama-Nation is the de facto state ideology. The United States is now on track to becoming a post-Christian nation.

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