DontGo: A Cause, a revolt, a revolution
On August 1st, 2008, in the face of Speaker Nancy Pelosi recessing the Congress early to avoid debate on energy, GOP members of Congress stood up and demanded that the Congress be called back to vote to repeal bans on offshore drilling to give relief on energy prices.
The revolt took fire immediately, hitting conservative blogs and right-wing radio, and people called in to offer support. Twitterers started using the hashtag "#dontgo" as a way to follow the online conversation, and now the #DontGo Revolution has a place on the web: .
The cause continues, and will continue so long as the drill-nothing do-nothing Democrat Congressional leadership opposes and refuses to even allow a vote on energy price relief.
So GO TO DONTGO to stay abreast of the cause. And demand Congress "DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW!"
PS. Local Congressman Michael McCaul is joining in tomorrow; he sent this message:
Tonight I am on my way back to Washington with hopes that we Republicans can convince Speaker Nancy Pelosi to change her unwavering stance on drilling for oil in the U.S. and off our coast. I will be carrying with me hundreds of gas receipts collected from voters across Congressional District 10. Some of them have hand written notes begging the Democratic Speaker to allow a vote on offshore drilling so that families can be reassured that energy prices will go down and stay down and that Congress still represents the people–not special interests such as the extreme environmental lobby.
Tomorrow, I'll proudly read a few of those comments on the House floor.
These receipts show that families are hurting and that Congress' inaction is harming our entire economy. Speaker Pelosi, and her like-minded colleagues, including my opponent, stand between you and lower gas prices and a responsible energy policy.
See also this post at Blue Dot Blues. is planning an anti-drilling stunt today (8/7) at Rep. McCaul's office. Some folks are planning to be there for a counter protest.
While Obama is saying "Yes we can," his Party is saying "No we won't."
It is time to put 2 + 2 together, the Democrat Congress and the Democrat candidates this year represent the extreme fringe of the Democrat Party that is not looking to serve the American people, they are looking to serve themselves and put their king on the mantle.
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