Mr Cult-of-Personality Disorder talks to the kids
UPDATE: “Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president. These would be collected and redistributed at an appropriate later date by the teacher to make students accountable to their goals.”
- Original White House suggestion for post-speech activity for students, which then got edited by the WH as criticism ramped up.
What criticism? "No Junior Lobbyist left behind" puts it in context.
Original post:
President Obama feels the need to talk to our kids. During school time. My diagnosis is Cult-of-Personality Disorder.
A brilliant dissection of what Obama might say to our children on Sept 8th.
Please, Mr President, stay away from the young'uns. Dana says: Keep your kids home Sept 8th.
UPDATE: The articulate Obama better hope the teleprompter is in working order. We wouldn't want him sounding like Biden.
UPDATE II: Data mining social networks is another recent brilliant White House plan. And I will have more to say on the white-washing (desecration) of 9-11 aka "Patriot's Day". (uh oh, is there a war on 9-11 remembrance underway by the left?) This whole White House operation is quite 'fishy'.
UPDATE III: Critics decry Obama's "indoctrination plan" for students:
Students in grades pre-K-6, for example, are encouraged to “write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president. These would be collected and redistributed at an appropriate later date by the teacher to make students accountable to their goals.”What is the problem? The problem is that the guidelines center on Obama - not learning, education, or anything else. Obama will spout motherhood-and-apple-pie about doing a good job in school, and the kids will be directed to get those "personally meaningful" phrases from Dear Leader, read a book about Dear Leader, and write about "they can do to help" Dear Leader. Not themselves, but the President! That is the giveaway for the disorder. The speech is wholly unnecessary and a waste of students time. The school football coach could give as meaningful and as important a pep speech on individual responsibility, discipline, setting goals and achieving them. But that wouldn't do for the Dept of Ed, after all, the coach is probably a Republican.
Teachers are also given guidance to tell students to “build background knowledge about the president of the United States by reading books about presidents and Barack Obama.”
During the speech, “teachers can ask students to write down key ideas or phrases that are important or personally meaningful.”
UPDATE IV: Whitewashing the Obama education speech guides. The offending guides have been cleaned up a bit but ...
What they can’t whitewash is the radicalism of many of the White House Teaching Fellows responsible for drafting the material — or the radicalism of the educational mentors with whom Obama served, starting with Chicago Annenberg Challenge/Woods Fund/neighbor Bill “education is the motor-force of revolution” Ayers.

UPDATE V: Kids required to watch video of 'patriotic' pledges that are "I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama". More on it here: "It's very inappropriate to show a radical, leftist propaganda piece that political to children."
It's an ... ObamaNation.
UPDATE VI: A friend has passed along that Leander ISD will NOT be catering to the ObamaNation of the broadcast:
Dear Parents of Leander ISD students:
We have received a number of inquiries about whether President Obama’s speech to the schoolchildren of America next week will be available “live” in Leander ISD. Due to the logistics of making a webcast available during that time of the school day, we will not be showing this address in LISD classrooms or campuses. However, as soon as the speech is available, we will place a link on the district website should you and your family choose to view the speech.
But it was OK for Bush to talk to them and OMG read to them?!?!
He was so illiterate he didn't know he was holding the book upside down, LOL!
You guys need to increase your meds!
What's that? You can't afford your meds?? Well that's too bad, maybe you should support health care reform, so you all can feel better!
"But it was OK for Bush to talk to them and OMG read to them?!?! "
You need to calm down. Bush read to a class. Obama is trying to have his words reach 50 million kids. If you read the full instructions from the Dept of Ed to educators all across AMerica where the words of Obama are to be analyzed in class as if passed from Mt Olympus, you would see that something different is going on. And more than a bit disturbing, given Obama's multiple attempts to build a cult-of-personality and create a 'permanent campaign'.
"You guys need to increase your meds!" Uh, the guy writing the exclamation marks need them.
And the guy with the Cult-of-Personality Disorder. He needs to stop thinking everyone in USA needs to be hearing him all he time. There's a book about a guy like that... getting his words in every nook and cranny of people's lives ... what was it? Oh yes, '1984'.
So, Anonymous: Do you support the Massachusetts law allowing police to bust your door down and search your house at the first sound of a sniffle or the sound of a Kleenex being pulled out of its box?
"So, Anonymous: Do you support the Massachusetts law allowing police to bust your door down and search your house at the first sound of a sniffle or the sound of a Kleenex being pulled out of its box?"
My guess is anonymous supports Kirk Watson and Patrick Rose...
... go back and read Travis Monitor in June on the stunt they tried to pull in hte lege wrt CPS taking kids from parents to conduct interviews on flimsy evidence. Not as bad as above, but close. Thankfully was vetoed.
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