Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ed Hubbard's Plans for Harris County GOP

Via Townhall: Ed Hubbard is running Harris county GOP chair, and has a plan for rebuilding the Harris Co Republican Party, inspired by Reagan's similar calls over 30 years ago.

On key observation in the plan is the concern for winning back urban vote share:

If we can't develop an urban/metropolitan policy here, Republicans have little chance of succeeding anywhere else. If Republicans do not develop an urban/metropolitan policy, the Obama agenda and recent voting trends may combine to marginalize the conservative principles of our party in this county, this state, and nationally, for many years to come.

The County Chair should establish contact with GOP chairs of other urban counties, and consult with recognized officeholders and experts, to help develop and implement a plan for identifying and addressing urban issues, and for contesting urban races.

Ed Hubbard is running against current HCRP chair Jared Woodfill, so he'll need to win first to implement the ideas. Or maybe Jared will wise up and use the ideas too. The conservative infighting can continue, but the success of the Republican party rests more on the success of plans like this at local levels.

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