Saturday, July 18, 2009

Protests Against Obamacare, Nationwide and in Dallas

nationwide protests against ObamaCare at dozens of Congressional offices across the nation. Here is a report on one of those protests, in Dallas, organized by Dallas Tea Party activists:

Thanks to each and every one of you who showed up today to STAND UP FOR LIBERTY and AGAINST Government-run health care.


By this morning, we had 367 RSVPs for the demonstration.

By 11:00 am, a crowd had already assembled, and the crowd only grew from there. By 12:00 noon, the Tea Party Patriots were OUT IN FORCE and we made our voices heard.

There's no way to know for certain how many folks ultimately showed up, but it was pretty clear we had HUNDREDS there, and Dallas Police confirmed that.


We had several local TV news outlets there, so we suspect we may have made it onto the local news.

Addendum: The liberal media is spinning the setbacks for President Obama, but in fact the majority of Americans oppose the Democrats' ObamaCare bill, disliking the tax hikes, the spending hikes and the restrictions on healthcare choice. Tea Parties are a key part of the resistance movement, for example Tea party Patriots are focussing on ObamaCare as their #1 activism target. The Democrats meanwhile are engaged in a mad and mindless rush to pass some huge, monstrous regulation FAST, before the measure wilts under the heat of scrutiny by the people. That is a nutty and dangerous way to legislate, sure to lead to bad policy. America will be the winner if this mad rush gets derailed, and we'll have Tea Partiers to thank for that.

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