Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Remembering the Veterans

Observations on Veterans Days from veteran Steve Morgan of Bryan, Texas. He observes:

While watching the participants in the parade pass by I could not help but meditate and reflect briefly on friends of mine that served with me in Vietnam; especially those who died there. In 1968 we came back to a hostile and treacherous reception and I’m grateful that veterans serving now seem to be more appreciated. I wondered why there had been no mention of the six Americans massacred in Afghanistan less than twenty four hours earlier. Especially on Veterans Day, the day we honor all who have served for their bravery and sacrifice. None of their families or loved ones will ever be able to enjoy Veterans Day again as I have and will again. My thoughts and prayers were with those families; the motivation of any and all six of those men was to keep us free and we should honor their bravery.
He closes with this good quote:
It was the ancient Greek Historian Thucydides (460 B. C. ~ C. 395 B. C) who said “Be convinced that to be happy means to be free and that to be free means to be brave. Therefore do not take lightly the perils of war.”

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