Friday, September 26, 2008

Philosophical Arguments

Nearly every American of voting age this week has been tuned into the "Financial Crisis of 2008." This story has gotten more play this week than the last ever home game at Yankee Stadium! Arguably, the financial crisis is more important to the American public than the New York Yankees, at least during the election cycle and for political spin.

Instead of blogging every day about the dirty details of the buyouts, mergers, and the anti-taxpayer mentality that the government now has, I have chosen to sit back and sift through other people commentary and potential solutions. Here are some of the things the American people should learn from the "Financial Crisis of 2008" and some of the illegitimate philosophical arguments the left has made for 80 years that have led us down this path.

This Crisis is Actually a Scandal
This crisis is not a crisis of banks falling apart and CEO's failing to do their jobs. This is actually a scandal perpetuated by the liberal elite in this country who have been trying to socialize private industries since President Woodrow Wilson. The plank in the Democrat platform that guarantees the right to affordable housing has led to bad policies and fiscal decisions regarding government subsidized housing for decades.


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