Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hillary Tanks

Suddenly, the shrieking and frightening prospect of a Hillary Presidency does not loom as large. Hillary's numbers are crashing nationally and in Iowa, and we may see an upset there that could end the 'aura of inevitability' around her candidacy.

CQ has an update:

USA Today has the polling results, and they look even worse for Hillary. In 16 days, she dropped nine points overall. Obama, Edwards, Richardson, and Biden split Hillary's castoffs almost equally. She dropped eleven points in a month. Her negatives have gone from 44% in October to 50%, and now has a favorability deficit of -3, the worst since the beginning of summer.

We are just loving the hurt that Hillary's flying monkey minions are going through.

1 comment:

Vote For Hillary Online said...

Uhm she is not tanking. That's what the media would like you to believe. Let me guess, you watch Fox News.

Vote For Hillary Online