Monday, November 3, 2008

Unearthing Obama's Coal Duplicity

The Obamedia has been covering up for Obama so much that multiple statements of Obama's have been left 'out there', unexplained yet contradicting Obama's latest promises. Last week it was The LA Times is Hiding an Incriminating Video of Barack Obama at a Party with Radical Palestinian Activists and Bill Ayers.

The outrage du jour? Coal.

“If somebody wants to build a coal power plant they can, it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.” - Barack Obama, in a January intervew with San Fransisco Chronicle - YouTube video here

Obama is promising to bankrupt the coal generation plants and thus the coal industry itself, in the name of CO2 caps - which conservatives have correctly argued would destroy a lot of jobs. Obama's policies are extreme and would be a disaster for our economy.

Ohio Coal Association responds: "The Obama-Biden ticket spells disaster for America’s coal industry and the tens of thousands of Americans who work in it."

His statement was made on tape back in January, and yet the media glossed over this bold and dangerous statement. They never 'fact checked' Obama when he made contradictory promises. Obama has criticized 'clean coal' to environmental groups, and yet touts that same clean coal in ads in states like Illinois. What gives? These comments have exposed Obama as ONCE AGAIN RUNNING A DISHONEST CAMPAIGN. The San Fransisco left-liberal Primary Obama has been far different in his statements than pander-to-middle general election Obama. Once again, we see that Obama is too extreme to be a good leader, and once again the Obamedia has covered up for Obama and protected him from a real investigation or understanding of who he really is and what his agenda will really bring. Both deserve to lose bigtime tomorrow.

Will Obama's Remarks Prove Costly in Coal Country? One reporter thinks it may.

McCain Honest On Coal Policy (unlike Obama)

Sarah Palin Connects With Attack on the Liberal Media (Coal Plant Issue)


Randy Samuelson said...

I heard this on Rush Limbaugh today for the first time. This plan doesn't surprise me one bit, though. The radical environmentalists have touted this as a "good" way to get us to get away from coal plants.

If the energy industry is bankrupt and there is no incentive to produce electricity, then there is no increase in greenhouse gases, at least that is how their backwards theory works.

Instead of giving energy companies incentives to generate clean technology, they instead want to punish the companies that make our country run. 50% of the United States electricity is from coal plants. If they are taxed out of existence, you can expect our utility bills to increase faster than they did in California when Enron was screwing with the markets.

If the cap-and-trade plan is put into effect, the government will essentially determine who can and cannot power their own homes and which industries will be allowed to live and die. Is this the America that liberals desire?

This is just an unspoken tax increase on the middle and lower classes, the classes that the DNC is using a abusing again in an effort to turn the citizens of our great country against each other, all to gain additional political power.

"Change we can believe in?" Yeah, right.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? There are much more rigerous emmission caps almost everywhere else in the world (save China and India) and they aren't dying. In fact, Coal is rapidly gaining relative cost when compared to other forms of energy like nat. gas, nuclear, wind, solar, and geothermal.