Saturday, November 1, 2008

Not Every Liberal is Optimistic

I got to talking to a co-worker of mine yesterday when we were on a short job trip together. He is a 22-year old college student, a self-described liberal, and lives in a rural area outside of Austin and commutes into town daily because the cost of living is cheaper outside of Austin. I'm going to keep his name anonymous.

My co-worker was one of the most excited people I met for Senator Obama in the primary. He was feeling the hope and optimism and was wearing it on his sleeve everyday. At some point over the last two months, he began to really read into what Senator Obama believes and who he associates with and it made him scared.

My co-worker refuses to vote for McCain as he sees him as an angry old man who just runs negative campaign ads. My co-worker also refuses to vote for Obama now because of the message of socialism that Obama is preaching to the world.

In talking to my co-worker, he listed out his main issue as paying too much for tuition and paying too much in property taxes. To that end, I convinced him to at least vote against his local school bond election (his local tax increase) and to support Tim Kleinschmidt who has pledge to work to lower property taxes and appraisal creep.

I consider my co-worker a fairly mainstream voter. He's intelligent and independent-minded and he gives me a great reality check most days. Senator Obama is counting on the 18-35 year old demographic to swing the election his way. The more I talk to people of that age bracket (I am in there, too), the more I realize that either that age bracket will not vote or is not as enthralled with Senator Obama as the campaign thinks, at least in Texas.

Not every liberal is optimistic and not every liberal believes in the change that Senator Obama preaches.


Don't Tread on Me said...

Great point! I have been hearing this as's not over yet!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. New here. Was responding to one (sorry not sure which) of you in a thread @ PW. Wanted to post it here as well...

Comment by Lamontyoubigdummy on 11/1 @ 5:44 pm #

“You have plenty to worry about in Texas.”

Not so much. You live in Austin, where George Bush is literally the devil. I got buddies grew up there, live there (I went to Baylor), and I know how it is. You’re surrounded by “crazy.”

Small world though. I met Dale Wainwright. I attended a CLE credit where he spoke during a bar conference in Houston three years (or so) ago and spoke with him for about 5 minutes after. Deborah Hankinson can jerk off the Brian Loncar/ Jim Adler type trial lawyers all she wants, won’t matter with currrent tort reform. Civil jury economic damage awards can go south on higher court appeals, but (almost) never north. Product liability is a different story, but 99% of the time that lands in federal court. If Obama puts her ass on the 5th Circuit, I’ll start worrying.

Unknown said...

The author of this article needs to get all the facts of a race before trying to sway people on which way they should vote. Tim Kleinschmidt does not want to lower your property tax. He only says he will cap the amount that your property appraisal can raise each year. If you need more info on this go to his web site. He says “reduce the property tax burden on homeowners”. That is just another way of saying he will cap your tax increases. If you Google Tim Kleinschmidt and take the time to go several pages deep you will find a survey he filled out for the Texas Classroom Teachers Association on Aug 17 2008. In this form he says he would be for raising taxes to give the state a cushion in the bank to run off of. If you would like a copy of that form to see for you self please email me at Tim is lying about his stances on the issues it is up to the people to find the facts for them self.

Randy Samuelson said...

Donnie Dipple is no better.

What has our country come to when our neighborhoods and rural areas are getting jacked around by political consultants?

Robby Cook is a very respectable man that represented his district admirably.

If you look at the sounds bites, Dipple and Kleinschmidt have the same goals. Kleinschmidt is coming at the angle of empowering individuals to solve problems while Dipple will work to expand government to solve the same problems. That is the main reason I support Kleinschmidt.

Anonymous said...

Uhh, I don't understand. a 30% income tax is 'true capitalism' (like what we have now under Bush) but a rise to 33% is all of a sudden socialism? Socialism, by definition, requires government control, something Obama has never preached. This author is in need of a basic economics 101 course (I personally am going for my advanced degree in Economics at Stanford.)

Randy Samuelson said...

"Socialism has never been preached"?

True socialism is sharing the wealth, something that Obama has mentioned that he desires. True communism is government forced socialism.

State-run health care is a socialist philosophy.

Welfare is a socialist philosophy.

The public-private partnerships of Freddie, Fannie, and potentially the big 3 automakers will turn into government owned monopolies, which is a socialist philosophy.

You have to remember who is driving and funding the Democrat Party agenda is the elitist anti-capitalists like George Soros. Notice in Texas, the mainstream rural and urban Democrats have been beaten in primaries and general elections in recent years. They have been replaced with big-government nanny-state Democrats.