Saturday, February 16, 2008

Who do you Associate with as your Republican Influence?

There are many Republicans that associate with Ronald Reagan as their leader and their influence on the Republican values. I greatly admire Ronald Reagan and all of his beliefs, but when Reagan retired as President, I was 12 years old. I don't have a recollection of most of his Presidency as I was not politically active until high school.

My inspirational leader is Newt Gingrich. When I was a freshman in college at UT, Young Conservatives of Texas fought hard for the Contract with America and those candidates that believed in that platform. Newt Gingrich taught me that the fiscal conservative agenda is just as important as the social conservative agenda. Newt taught me that politics as usual is not an option...that we have to find market solutions for our problems instead of relying on the government.

Newt Gingrich is my inspriration as a conservative.

1 comment:

MJSamuelson said...

Newt Gingrich, all the way.

Ever since the Contract with America.

Number 2 would have to be Dick Armey.