Friday, March 23, 2007

Democrats Trail of Destruction

Friday night comment line:

In two short months, the Democrats have voted for economic insecurity (higher energy taxes, plan to let a $1 trillion tax hike occur by not making Bush tax cuts permanent), defeat (replacing troop support with "Earmarxist" pork and forcing their defeatism on the DoD in the middle of a battle), Unconstitutional power grabs (DC voting), and partisan witch hunts (the pseudo-scandal over replacing U.S. attorneys). Their own moonbat extremists have taken to occupying the Speaker's office as a 'protest' that they are not doing enough to lose in Iraq pronto. These Democrats are well on their way to creating the Worst. Congress. Ever.


1 comment:

carl said...

Be ready for more intense dismemberment of the Bush administration, for one.