Friday, January 9, 2009

Spending by any other name still costs $$$

Obama team is Poll-testing policy talking points - another sign that Obama is another Clinton third term. Massive federal Government deficit spending will be called "investment" to make the debasing of our currency and shafting of our chidlren's future appear more palatable.

Kudlow is still looking for a pony in the horse manure.

Even on healthcare, It's the spending stupid: "In 2006, U.S. health spending totaled $2.1 trillion. ... In 2006, consumers' out-of-pocket spending represented 13% of total health spending, down from half in 1960. ... Because most patients don't pay medical bills directly, they have little interest in using less care or shopping for lower-priced services. Providers (doctors, hospitals, drug companies) have no interest in limiting care."

More socialized medicine, SCHIP expansion, and Government intervention will only make this problem of overspending worse.

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