Sunday, January 18, 2009

Democrat Boondoggle costs $6700 per family

Powerline shares info on the Biggest boondoggle ever from House minority leader Boehner. The Democrat bill will cost $825 billion, or $6,700 per family or: "enough spending to give every man, woman, and child in America $2,700."

And for what? Saving jobs, expensively:

"President-elect Obama has said that his proposed stimulus legislation will create or save three million jobs. This means that this legislation will spend about $275,000 per job. ...

Not really on infrastructure:
7. Although the House Democrats' proposal has been billed as a transportation and infrastructure investment package, in actuality only $30 billion of the bill - or three percent - is for road and highway spending.

Not much real tax cuts:
Almost one-third of the so called tax relief in the House Democrats' bill is spending in disguise, meaning that true tax relief makes up only 24 percent of the total package - not the 40 percent that President-elect Obama had requested.

It's really about growing the Government but not the economy.

The Democrat boondoggle is destined to be a failure in terms of helping the economy.

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