Sunday, March 30, 2008

Obama helped Farrakhan with 1995 Million-Man March

Via FR and Newsbusters, From a Farrkahan biography: "In 1995, along with other prominent black leaders such as Al Sharpton and Barack Obama, Farrakhan helped lead the Million Man March on Washington..."

Audacity of propoganda is what Newsbusters calls the lack of media interest in Obama's 1990's words and actions, words that peg him as a 'progressive' man of the left. Obama's comments to rally blacks to the march, that came from a glowing 1995 review of Obama, show a man fully versed in 'blame whitey' rhetoric:

"This doesn't suggest that the need to look inward emphasized by the march isn't important, and that these African-American tribal affinities aren't legitimate. These are mean, cruel times, exemplified by a 'lock 'em up, take no prisoners' mentality that dominates the Republican-led Congress. Historically, African-Americans have turned inward and towards black nationalism whenever they have a sense, as we do now, that the mainstream has rebuffed us, and that white Americans couldn't care less about the profound problems African-Americans are facing."


lcmslutheran said...

He continues to "not get it". Yes, they are rebuffed but the reason why is that we are sick and tired of hearing the whining. Get over it, man. Get a life. How many more advantages do you want just because your ancestors were slaves?

Anonymous said...

But wait ... Obama's ancestors were *NOT* slaves. They were Muslims and whites from Kansas (who owned slaves). The most curious thing about Obama is that he doesnt share the common ancestral experience of most african-americans - slavery.

Obama is a curious case of a 'black by choice' man.

My Irish ancestors were kicked off their land by the Brits under Cromwell. Obama has some Anglo-saxon ancestors, so

... he owes *me* reparations! :-)

Anonymous said...

Do you people get paid for being ignorant, arrogant and close-minded?

You come with the same non-sensical rhetoric. "Ancestors were slaves?" I love how selective your history is, while your people were watching Happy Days and Leave it to Beaver, blacks in America were still living under Jim Crow laws. Blacks were not given real citizenship and equality under U.S. law until a little over 40 years. Did you guys not hear what Condi Rice had to say?

Freedom's Truth, if this was 1950 in Charleston, South Carolina, which school do you think Obama would go to the white school or the negro school? I will leave out the fact that his mother would have probably been stoned and father lynched.

Your understanding of your society is very superficial and limited. I wont go any further in trying to educate you because either your so far deluded, you simply won't understand or you are just in denial.