Tuesday, September 11, 2007

UNLimited Taiwan

I don't care much for the parsing of culture and country that makes folks want to refer to themselves in a hyphenated manner, but when your country is as mistreated as Taiwan is by China and the International community, including the US, I completely understand how love of ones root's and the country of one's residence can result in a hyphenated identity.

To check out the Taiwanese-American community via the web, click this link: http://www.taiwaneseamerican.org/

Taiwanese-Americans certainly are not all Republicans (I think more may be Democrats), but supporting Taiwan against the threats of the Communist regime in Beijing is a Republican value. To that end I commend you to this web site http://www.unfortaiwan.org/ and urge you to sign this petition Support UN Membership for Taiwan.

And to see a video of how Taiwanese-Americans are banding together to bring attention to the seemly hopeless plight of there homeland to get International recognition as a sovereign state (and to her some interesting sounding Taiwanese rap music) watch the YouTube video below:

And in closing, I dare present to you (with a good bit of fear and trepidation) the Heavy Metal band ChthoniC (pronounced "THON-nic") from Taiwan (1st Disclaimer: In general I do not digest, or even really approve of Heavy Metal music). ChthoniC is not hyphenated, unless it be a Taiwan native Aboriginal-Taiwanese hyphenation, and it is totally committed to an Unlimited Taiwan, even though Taiwan is being UN Limited (2nd Disclaimer: As far as I am concerned the UN is a dung heap, but it stings to high heaven that Taiwan would be denied membership in this dung pile simply becasue the pile is thought of as as the de jure independence recognitionon society and China objects to Taiwaneing so recognized).

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